
Showing posts from April, 2020

Springtime in the Rockies!

We were so devastated to have to leave Texas and our wonderful young and senior missionaries behind, but getting to be close to our family has been a blessing. We are still able to serve using the internet for eMed (the missionary medical record keeping computer program),  Zoom conference calls and telephone calls, etc. We aren't sure if we will be asked to go back to Texas not, so for now we are soaking up the quiet and scenery, here in beautiful Pine Valley, Utah. John was reunited with his Harley on another "Bike Saturday" a couple of weeks ago, and he was able to take Ian's boys out for a ride. This photo is with six year old Lincoln. We've had a guest for the last couple of weeks, our daughter's dog Heidi. They are reseeding their back yard, so she is hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa. Luckily she's a good little dog and it's been easy to keep her happy. We love our daily walks through the nearby forest. As the tempera...

The Way West

Like so many missionaries around the world, we have been on quite an adventure the last few weeks! When we found out that we needed to return home and continue serving there, we started packing and getting ready for the trip. The hardest part was not getting to say a proper goodbye to all those that we wanted to! We attended our last mission staff meeting on Tuesday morning, March 24 and were able to bid farewell to the mission president and the office staff. We cleaned out our cupboards and refrigerator and delivered some food to some local missionaries and a neighbor. We had some great help loading our car (while trying hard to stay 6 feet apart!) from Elder Melzer, a senior missionary and our good friend and neighbor Laannia Hudson. On Wednesday morning, we stopped by the mission office to return the bicycles we had borrowed and stopped to take a quick selfie with the assistants, Elder Ewell and Elder Ayers. We had to say goodbye to our beloved Greens Bayou ward via What...