
Showing posts from December, 2019

Three Zone Conferences, Two Talent Shows and a Crane in a Tall Pine Tree!

It is that most wonderful time of the year here in Houston and we are enjoying this simplified Christmas season where we can focus on the Savior. We got to go to a Spanish class with the missionaries in our ward and we really enjoyed it. It is taught  by Brother Pomeroy who is a retired Spanish teacher who also taught seminary for many years. He has worksheets in Spanish that he has the missionaries do, but he also gives them time to ask gospel questions and get answers to questions some of the people they are teaching might have. We hope to go often! By the way, the Elder in the center of the photo is holding a plate of lemon bars that he brought for the group, and they were the best we had ever had! His mother taught him well!                                                  On one of our morning walks last week we were surprised to see ...

Faith Meets Family

Here we are with a couple of our favorite Hermanas - more about this camel later! Our dear friends Dave and Diane Nutter came to Houston on their way to their new home in Florida and they took us out to dinner. It was so great to have a visit from home! We put up a tiny tree this week and were excited about the tiny nativity and missionary stockings we found at the new Latter Day Books and Gifts located in Houston near the temple! And we got our first Christmas card - hand painted no less - from our sweet neighbors Dan and Mary Beatson! Aren't they so cute?! On Friday and Saturday from 1:00 pm to 9:00 the Kingwood Stake put on their annual display of Nativities from around the world. I had heard about it but was not prepared for the amazing display! It felt like visiting the Smithsonian Museum of Nativities from around the world! Displays like this filled three sides of the cultural hall! I can't imagine the hours of work - setti...