Remember the Alamo!
We had the great opportunity last week to attend a Mission Leadership Seminar for the North America Southwest Area in San Antonio, Texas which is about 3 1/2 hours from Houston. The first afternoon we met at the San Antonio Temple. It is very small but so beautiful! There is a lot of stained glass throughout the temple, and the temple president told us a story of how during excavation they uncovered a small cavern. The missionary that was the site manager climbed down in and found a few big stones and he brought them up. It turned out that they were Agate and they were cut and used in the stained glass. There was enough that they used the rest in the temple in Rome. After the session we met outside for a group photo. Many of the mission presidents and area seventy already knew each other, but we were just happy to be there! This is a view from the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk where we stayed. We have always heard how charming San Antonio is, and it was fun to finally...